
Here are our suggestions for books on Christian Enrichment. If you are interested in Christian Enrichment books, see if our titles will be helpful. If you have suggestions, comments, or would like to review one of these books or suggest another, please contact us through the suggest a christian book form.

3 books in the enrichment category
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The Pursuit of Holiness

Jerry Bridges

In some long-ago time we weren't afraid to talk about trying to be holy, because we knew what we were talking about. Now that it must be defined, Bridges makes it clear to readers, and how important it is that Christians start the attempt to strive toward it. The timelessness of such a goal is evident in the writing. In the words of a reader, To trivialize sin is to trivialize the love of God.


The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life

Charles F. Stanley

Rev. Stanley tells readers the Holy Spirit is a he, not an it. As he explores all the ways the Holy Spirit acts in a Christian's life, with Scriptural quotes for support, it becomes abundantly clear the third person of the Trinity is as vital and active as the Father and Son. A very appealing read for any beginner or lifelong Christian.


Who Am I? The Christian Hunger for Self-Identity

Thomas Robert L

A guide to Christian thinking, since it determines one's actions. Author Robert Thomas devotes each chapter to a specific need or sphere within our lives and, using Biblical passages sorts out how to adjust our thoughts concerning each thing, such as: possessions, family, how much to love Jesus.

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